Friday, June 20, 2008

Just a few extras..

I just can't believe how big he is getting...every day he seems to grow a few inches!!

I am so proud to be the mother of such a fun child...even though he sure can be stubborn and definitely knows how to throw a fit...he is still my pride and joy!

I did it!

Yesterday, Jesùs conquered his goal of climbing onto our kitchen chairs. He has been mounting the couch for a while but the chairs were difficult.

But, by removing the was all to easy!

Summer days...drifting away

I once thought that I enjoyed the water and swimming. I have since realized that I only have a "fondness" for the pastime...and Jesùs truly loves it!

Over the past week we have gone to our pool daily...sometimes more than once a day...because it is just too cute when Jesùs pulls his towel and floaty into the living room, grabs my keys and goes to the door. I can't resit!